Monitoring missions to Ukraine 2022 - 2024  

Project: Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine

Supported by The International Visegrad Fund,

Coordinator of the project: Petr Pojman +420 732 249 636 (WhatsApp, Signal, Threema),  [email protected][email protected]

T4U together with the Adapt Institute, Slovakia, Smolna Association, Poland and Maidan Monitoring Information Center, MMIC, Kharkiv, Ukraine. 


There were regular monitoring field trips conducted by Visegrad monitors and a constant monitoring in Kharkiv conducted by the MMIC. The main monitoring task was to gather information, photos, videos, and testimonies in the field. We were visiting the places and objects destroyed as a result of the war. We are talking with witnesses. T4U and MMIC have been involved in monitoring from February 2022. All results of the previous monitoring have also been used. The most important findings are summarized in the report titled “Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine”. 


There have been many findings and testimonies gathered with new ones constantly being added, so we are already working on the next renewed edition. Updated editions will be always posted on this website. Now, we see this project was only the beginning. There are several follow-up activities in progress. See the First edition here:

Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine 2022 - 2024



Summary Round table Budapes. Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Central European University.

For on-line Map of war destruction in Kharkiv Oblast see here:

It was certainly the most challenging project to date and one of the first projects to systematically document war crimes in Ukraine in general. We gained interesting insights from people who survived the Russian occupation. Russia's aggression against Ukraine has become an opportunity to explore the nature of the Russian regime and occupation of its neighbour. 


However, this is an experience that has been paid for dearly. Some of our closest friends and colleagues have been wounded, and some have paid the highest price. Sergey Shalgin from the NGO Petyachatky-BAM accompanied us several times during our monitoring north of Kharkiv. The NGO Petyachatky-BAM is also dedicated to evacuation. On September 19, 2023, while driving one of the vehicles that took people across the Oskil River in the town of Kupyansk Sergei Shalgin with the group was hit by an aerial bomb.

Cooperation with law enforcement agencies:

Our closer cooperation with law enforcement agencies began already during the monitoring process. It concerns not only documentation, but also facilitating contacts with witnesses. In particular, we are in contact with the Kharkiv office of the Security Service of Ukraine and the Czech Police. In some cases, criminal proceedings were initiated and some of the perpetrators - mostly high-ranking officers of the Russian army - were identified. As a result, several indictments and investigations of several Russian commanders have been launched. 


The crimes of these cases concern, for example, Article 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, i.e. conducting aggressive war, in the case of general Andrey Ruzinsky, then commander of the 11th Army Corps, and Article 441 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, ecocide, i.e. committing a large-scale ecological disaster. Here, a notice of suspicion was delivered to the commander of the military district, the commanders of the two armies, and the commanders of the artillery and rocket brigade of the Russian Armed Forces.

Field research and testimonies - liberated areas


The most knowledge and testimonies about war crimes and about the occupation were obtained in the town of Izjum. We went to the town just after the liberation and spoke to witnesses. We also documented the exhumation of one of the burial sites where 449 corpses were found. Tatiana Pryvalikina, one of the witnesses to these crimes, is now in the Czech Republic, and she is cooperating with us.


We invited Tatiana Pryvalikina for a round table in Czechia organized on December 11, 2023 together with the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic under the auspices of the senator Marek Hilšer. The roundtable was held immediately after the field monitoring. We provided the participants with new and exclusive information. And there was also an unexpected follow-up. Tatiana Pryvalikina has decided to give her own public testimony at two following events: (i) on February 14, 2024 under the auspices of the US ambassador to the Czech Republic, Mr. BijanSabet, she spoke at the American Center with the US Embassy; (ii) on March 15, 2024 she spoke at the public meeting in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Republic, Subcommittee on the Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights Abroad, co-organized by Deputy Mrs. Eva Decroix, focused on the documentation and investigation of war crimes in Ukraine.

Russia's aggression against Ukraine has become an opportunity to explore the nature of the Russian regime. In the liberated territories of Ukraine, it was possible to obtain testimonies elucidating the role of various security, political, criminal, and religious organizations.

There is no reason to believe Russia will behave differently in the EU or V4 countries than in Ukraine. Aggressive imperial plans include not only Ukraine, but also NATO members in Central Europe. The most accepted threat in particular is now for Poland, Lithuania, and the Suwałkicorridor in between them. This is also why it is necessary to look at the broader context of the Russian aggression and preparations for it.

War destruction in “genocidal war”


We have documented many different war crimes, including the torture of civilians and repression in the occupied territories. Russia’s targeted attacks on civilians, cultural objects and historical monuments prove that this war is genocidal. Russia's aggression also has very strong ecological consequences.


The level of destruction of cultural monuments and schools has exceeded all our assumptions. Sometimes it was targeted destruction; sometimes it was destruction caused by “standard” combat activity. As a result, however, in the liberated parts of Kharkiv and Donetsk oblasts, most of the schools have been damaged, and some have been demolished completely.

The ecological damage to date is practically incalculable. In Kharkiv and Donetsk, land mining is a huge problem. One of our witnesses in Dovhenke village (Izium district) described that out of fifty hectares previously cultivated, only two is arable today. T4U, together with partners, has been involved in a long-term solution to this problem by the installation of “Božena 5” demining system

in the Kharkiv oblast. This installation was also one of the best follow-ups of this project.


We were also able to briefly document the impacts of flooding in the Kherson oblast, which occurred after the explosion of the Kakhovska dam, as well as the lesser-known but ecologically similar catastrophe on the Oskil River in the Kharkiv oblast.

Documenting the Russian army's crimes in Ukraine helps to convey to the Western public the risks and aggressiveness of the Russian regime, where Ukraine is only one of the targets. It is not only about prosecutions of particular war criminals but also about the research of the general Russian modus operandi of war preparation, oppression of their own society, and Russian behavior in occupied areas. Mapping of deviant behavior and functioning of specific structures, security, political, criminal, or “private” military companies, participating in the war and occupation gives us the knowledge necessary for effective defense and later, perhaps, transformation of this environment.

Events, media, and online outputs


Apart from the report above, we have been publishing the monitoring results on various sources. We had regular interviews with the media, including in Hungary. There was also an exhibition of photos FRACTURE: DOCUMENTS FROM KHARKIV. The exhibition was launched and supported by a member of the European Parliament, Markéta Gregorová. We also held several round tables and public talks in Czechia, Slovakia, also in Hungary. The exhibition of photographs was displayed not only in Brussels but also in Prague at the Senate and at the American Center and in Budapest at the Central European University. After that, we temporarily handed it over to the Ukrainian Embassy in Hungary.

Links to selected outputs: 

- Kharkiv was again under attack by S-300 missiles, September 6, 2022:

- Cultural Heritage Monuments Kharkiv City:

- Massive rocket launcher attack on Kharkiv, Kindergarden, 13:00 - 15:00, Septem 9, 2022.

- Pohřebiště Izjum:

- Reportáž o soudobých válečných zločinech s Petrem Pojmanem - ČT24 18.10.2023:


- Massive rocket launcher attack on Kharkiv 13:00 - 15:00, September 9, 2022:

- MARASM - Informační válka, ruská propaganda a občanská odolnost

- Monitoring T4U: Izjumská katedrála 2023

- České centrum v Kyjevě - rozhovor:

- Kulturní dům v Izjumu léto 2023:

Perimetry I.II.: 

- Rusové připravili seznamy smrti již před invazí, Petr Pojman, 30.11.2024:

- Kriminolog: Rusové zatýkají podle seznamů svobodomyslné Ukrajince. I proto je příměří nemyslitelné, 2. 12. 2024:*3sob90*_gcl_au*MTgxMjI4MjEwOS4xNzMyODAyNjkx*_ga*MTMzNzY4MzcxNy4xNzMyODAyNjkx*_ga_NHXTP7RWNV*MTczMzg3NDc5OC42LjEuMTczMzg3NDg2Mi4wLjAuNzk0Mjk3NDM4

- War and Ukraine through the eyes of Tim Judah

- I. Rusové vytvářeli „falešné“ hřbitovy, prozradily je detaily. Český kriminolog popisuje vyšetřování válečných zločinů:

- II. Proč si Moskva hýčká své zločince? Kriminolog popisuje, jak se proměnilo ruské podsvětí:

- The Vernissage of the Exhibition FRACTURE: DOCUMENTS FROM KHARKIV, European Parliament, August 2023. 

- Prezentace a exhibice T4U na půdě Evropského parlamentu (2023)

- Případ Izjum:

- Monitorovací mise T4U - Kostel Kamjanka:

- Nikopol - Rozhovor s místními srpen 2024:

- Izjum masové hroby 2022: 

-  Roundtable in Budapest Hungary  Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine, May 2024:

- Устрій російського війська мало чим відрізняється від тюремного — чеськи кримінолог П. Пойманом T4U

- Чинити ЗВІРСТВА — це у них В КР*ВІ. ВІДВЕРТЕ ІНТЕРВ'Ю Петра Поймана | 

- Válečné zločiny - shrnující přednáška, česky:

- Summary Round table ang: Mapping the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Central European Univers...

- Petr Pojman: "The only reason is violence. It's a deviant behavior.":

- ČRO, Neměli tváře. Někdy se povedlo najít jenom kusy těla.‘ Svědectví obyvatelky Izjumu o ruském útoku:

- Nuclear danger in Kharkiv - Marketa: Vorel

- Destroyed building of Institute of High Technologies. Kurchatova st.: 

- Drone Footage of schooll in Slatine, Школа в селищі Слатіне. Відео Євгена Титаренка:

- O zavádění ruských osnov na okupovaných územích Ukrajiny, Team4Ukraine, Maidan Monitoring

- Rozhovor Britských listů 621. O zvěrstvech a válečných zločinech:

- Rozhovor Britských listů 549. V Putinově mlýnku na maso: Informace přímo...

- Ruští vojáci si pár kroků od masových hrobů dělali táborák a stravovali se:

- Petr Pojman interview with the witness of the rocket attack on the kindergarten:

- Zaminované oblasti Ukrajiny na příkladu obce Dovhenke

- Jaderná elektrárna Enerhodar z Nikopolu

- Dovhenke School

- Устрій російського війська мало чим відрізняється від тюремного — чеськи кримінолог П.   Пойманом T4U:

- Jaderná elektrárna Enerhodar z Nikopolu

- Dovhenke School

- Устрій російського війська мало чим відрізняється від тюремного — чеськи кримінолог П. Пойманом T4U

- War and Ukraine through the eyes of Tim Judah

- Schools near Kharkiv, December 2022

- Matrona Timofejevna, Charkov

- T4U & Reportéři ČT, Matrona Timofijivna, Charkov, Kamera: Adam Sybera:

- Виставка "Розлам - Документи з Харкова" в Європейському Парламенті

- Знищений бомбами рф гіпермаркет Епіцентр в Харкові 

- Розбитий дитячий садок в Чугуєві 

- Farming village Dovhenke in Kharkiv region of Ukraine 

- Блокпост Мала Рогань. Трейлер 1.

- Маркета Грегорова про офісний стиль депутаток Європейського Парламенту. 

- Житловий будинок в Ізюмі на Першотравневій, 2. Частина 1

- Музейники рятують залишки експонатів з Верхнього Салтова. Тут побував ро... prostřednictvím @YouTube

- Зруйнована школа у селищі Слатине біля Харкова

- Поїздка у Варварівку з волонтерами. Харківська область, Україна.

- Vyšetřuje zločiny na Ukrajině: Uniká nám spousta důkazů, ale ruský režim... 

- My experience collecting evidence of war crimes in Ukraine | Adam Sybera...

- Izjum, pohřebiště po exhumacích, Team4Ukraine, Maidan Monitoring

Náš monitorovací tým dokumentuje následky ruského odpálení Kachovské přehrady:

- Kharkiv, September 3, 2022, S-300 missile, impact site:

- Neznámí hrdinové Charkovské komunální služby. Opravují okna poškozená tlakovou vlnou:


- Monitoring T4U: Školy a školky Izjum (Summer 2023) 

- Obec Hrozna (10/2023)  - Po raketovém útoku na smuteční obřad:

I., II.

- Monitoring Kharkiv:

- Vzpomínka na Sergeje "Šalin" Šalygin - Říjen 2023:

- Charkov, dnes 3. září 2022, Raketa S-300, místo dopadu, Team4Ukraine:

 - Ruský tank ve službách Armády Ukrajiny, Izjum:

- Rozhovor s Michajlem u Doněcké fronty 

- Rozhovor s koordinátorkou Humanitárního centra v Charkově:

- Charkov byl znovu pod útokem raket S-300, 6. září 2022:

- Balaklija, dříve štáb okupačních vojsk, identifikována podezřelá osoba ruský gen. A. Ruziňský.

- Ukraine launches investigation into Russian commander gen. Andrei Ruzinsky:

- Svjatohirsk, Святогірськ, na počátku těžké cesty obnovy, únor 2023:

- Dnipro, 2.2.23 svědkyně dopadu rakety Ch-22 z 14.1.23:

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